I’m Back! How to Recover a Lost WordPress.com Account

Hello World! I’m back!

If you are like me, you may have started a blog years ago. You dedicated time, life, love, and energy. Suddenly things around you get busy and your blog may have not been as much of a priority.

This is what happened to me. I started my original blog “I Choose Happy Now” in 2011. It was a blog about being a Mom with two young kids, and seeing life in a positive light.

Fast forward to 2023. I decided to start blogging again and I could not access my original WordPress.com account. I searched for passwords and emails, but every time I put my information in I was not allowed entry into the account.

I used the lost password recovery email route and lost user name route, and I still could not get into my account.

You may get an error message about “Checking your primary sites Jet Pack Connection. Apparently this can happen when you once had a domain associated with the account. I no longer have the domain and I lost all my posts from that host, but that’s another story for another day!

WordPress.com has a page just dedicated to “Account Auto Recovery”.

There is an Auto Recovery Form that you can fill out.

Unfortunately auto recovery and the password retrieval did not work for me. At this point of my life I no longer can find the activation URL or Key, transaction ID or I can’t recall any authentication codes.

I ty not to panic, but images of all the lost posts and memories are passing in front of my eyes. Okay, I do panic a bit…

I hopped onto the WordPress.com help forum.

Although they could not unlock my account, they gave me an email that helped me out completely. A forum representative said to contact passwordhelp@wordpress.com. They advised me to explain exactly what happened. They do not unlock all accounts, but at times they can work magic.

I reached out to passwordhelp@wordpress.com and I explained the situation I was in. Different representatives help you out via email, but they are all very experienced and ready to help. I received one email from a representative named James that got me feeling a bit hopeful about retrieving my blog.

I explained to James that it’s been 12 years since I accessed the blog. During that time I had a host with a domain of ichoosehappynow. Unfortunately when I lost the domain name and changed hosts, I lost everything from that blog. I couldn’t recall exact drafts since it was so many years ago.

I did show picture evidence as one of my last posts had 2 paintings which I still have. Below is a picture from a 2011 post.

Now here is an updated 2023 picture with the 2 pieces of art in my living room today.

In the end Ahmad from WordPress.com was able to unlock my account. They instructed me to send them a new email that was unique and was not associated with any WordPress.com account.

From that point I did a password recovery with the new unique email that Ahmad manually inputted into their system.

In total it took me 13 days to recover my account. It took time, but now my blogging adventures will begin again! Find me soon at cheerslouise.com

Good luck unlocking and retrieving your forgotten wordpress.com account. I hope you have a happy ending too!

Reupholstering an Antique Chair

In the last couple of months I have been a stranger to blogging. I have retreated in to my own private world.

During my absence I have begun to fix our home with do it yourself projects.

My latest creation was completed recently. I reupholstered an American antique chair from the early 1900s. I repurposed hand woven ikat fabricate from the Philippines.

I then made an ottoman/step stool to match my newly created “masterpiece”.





In the next post I will show how my husband and I transformed one of our home’s vintage 1950’s bathroom to a cool and modern space.

A neat and uncluttered home makes our family happy! Till next time…

Buy A Christmas Ebook by Me for $0.99 at Amazon

I believe in dreaming and pursuing one’s dreams. I am an aspiring writer and illustrator.I hope to one day … http://p.ost.im/p/dUH9U2

Ebates…A Way to Make Money While Doing Your Holiday Shopping

Thanksgiving just came and left.  There were so many things to be grateful for, especially my wonderful famil … http://p.ost.im/p/dAf4Dd

Ebates…A Way to Make Money While Doing Your Holiday Shopping

Thanksgiving just came and left.  There were so many things to be grateful for, especially my wonderful family. 

Even my sister from San Diego (www.sandwichemporium.com) and my cousin from the Philippines were able to celebrate the festivities with us.

During the visit my cousin told me about a wonderful site called Ebates.com.  It is a shopping portal that gives you cash back for shopping at major retailers like Toys R Us, Macys, Dell Computer, Target to name a few.

Since this is now the gift giving season of Christmas and Hanukkah, discovering this site was such a blessing.  I am planning to buy gifts for those I love, so why not make and save a few extra bucks while buying the items I was already going to purchase?

So far I have made $41 cash back from items that I bought in the last couple of days.

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

 There are still a few people on my Christmas list so I know I will be going back to Ebates again!

Soon there will be presents under our Christmas tree from Santa Claus and the family!

Happy Holidays!

(Note: Ebates did not ask me to mention them in my blog.  I added them on because I think it’s great to get cash back!)

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back