Daily Archives: January 29, 2012

The Fun Uncle aka Zio Marco

The “Fun Uncle” is defined as the Uncle who is there to play games and then introduce your kids to stuff pa … http://p.ost.im/p/eufcBx

The Fun Uncle aka Zio Marco


The “Fun Uncle” is defined as the Uncle who is there to play games and then introduce your kids to stuff parents would not normally allow, like soda.  He loves spending time with the kids until they have a tantrum or their diapers have to be changed.

In our family the “Fun Uncle” is Michael’s brother Marc (aka Zio Marco).

Activities Zio Marco (aka the Fun Uncle) has done or introduced our kids to: 

1. Whip cream squirted in the mouth directly from a can

2.  Dipping one’s finger directly in a Nutella Jar

3.  Burping and farting as being funny acts and not grotesque

4.  Introduction of orange soda as healthy as it has “orange” flavor

5.  Introduction of potato chips as a vegetable

6.  He gives them ice pops or big ice creams right before they are suppose to eat lunch or dinner.

7.  He buys them candy or gives them chocolate because they ask him to nicely. (Will he do that with cigarettes and beer one day?!….hmmm.)

8.  Dunking their cookies in water since they do not drink coffee.

Not all the things Zio Marco does are against parental rules.  He also has introduced the kids to music,

zio8he plays with them and keeps them in shape,


and he loves just hanging out with them.


Marc, thank you for loving our kids so much! 

When Marc has his own brood Michael and I are ready to be the “Fun Aunt and Uncle” too. We are going to give them drums, candy, soda and more!

Have a great day!